Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The 2011 Friday the 13th Coast to Coast Toast: The Final Chapter

This is the third part of three in a thrilling blog post series - let's link the first two posts for those coming in late:

The 2011 Friday the 13th Coast to Coast Toast!

The 2011 Friday the 13th Coast to Coast Toast Part 2!

Due to an incredibly busy year - including filming at least one movie; taking an international cruise with her family; appearing at some Friday the 13th events across the country; and attending her first gallery art show in England - LGOOH Official 2011 Blog Celebrity Adrienne King was a little delayed in getting the prize out, but we stayed in contact throughout the year.

A little before Christmas - while I sat in my quiet house late one evening, blogging away, my cell phone rang - and I was totally surprised - it was Adrienne King calling! Again! (I really can't describe the thrill this horror movie fan gets when the star of one of his very favorite horror movies just ups and calls out of the blue. A-maz-ing!)

We caught up a bit, and Adrienne was very apologetic on taking so long to get the prize package out to us. I told her not to worry about it - as the woman is a human dynamo, constantly on the go. But she assured me it would be here by Christmas - and it was.



The poster was even more beautiful than I expected - and it came with two more bottles of that delicious Crystal Lake Wine - have I mentioned that you can get yours at

It took me a couple of weeks winding down from the holidays to get the poster framed - but it is now, and it occupies a great spot in the house - check this out!

And check out that bottle on the left - Adrienne signed it "Let's Get Out of Here!" How awesome is that?

Here's a closeup on the gorgeous print:

If you don't know the story of this print - I'll let Adrienne herself tell you - she found a box of Friday the 13th memorabilia she'd forgotten she had several years after the movie wrapped...and...

"inside my jeans pocket were Sean Cunningham’s original hand-written notes (coffee stains & all) from the night we shot the infamous fight scene on the beach which concludes with Mrs. V’s decapitation! What an incredible find!!

I remember Sean tossing the notes into the trash as the sun was dawning & my grabbing them out! I think it was just to prove to myself what we’d all gone through (it was an intense all-nighter) because at that point we didn’t even know if we were going to have enough money to finish the movie. You have to remember, the first F13 was an independent.

So I designed a poster for Sean & myself which I called the “Ballet of the Machete”. Sean thought it was the coolest thing especially when you see how many numbered notes he wrote : “13”!!!! … a total fluke!

It’s the only piece of Friday the 13th art that Sean has hanging in his home or office.

It was at this time that we realized the fans would appreciate this as well & could follow along as the director & Tom Savini actually visualized & shot the scene that very night under the full moon at Camp Crystal Lake. I also made it a limited edition of 1300; signed & numbered & stamped with my art stamp on the back of the poster so that it’s something a little more special & collectible."

That's the lady's words straight from, by the way.

My print is number 813 - I am so thrilled that I got one of the "13" prints!

Adrienne King truly rocks!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. WOWZERS!! This is the ultimate prize. Adrienne is the best. I am just thrilled for you, my friend, your Friday the 13th love knows no bounds and there is no one more deserving.

    A toast to you and the best horror series ever! ;)

  2. MB - toasting right back to you - Survivor's Syrah, perhaps? - I do love those movies - and this is beyond brilliant for me as a fan. The other bottle is signed with her line from the movie "I won't pass Go without a glow!" To paraphrase Jerry Lee Lewis: it leaves me... breathless! Thanks for the kudos, chum!

  3. Kaijinu - Indeed it is, pal. Indeed it is!

  4. Ha, that's a wicked cool poster with an equally rad message. Your Friday the 13th fandom speaks to a superlative enthusiasm and is, I would suggest, unrivaled. I bow in respect!

    It's terrific that you were able to foster genuine dialogue with Ms. Adrienne King of Horror. You deserve it, pal!

    Keep postin' the cinematic potpourri and I'll keep visiting from my corner of the blogosphere!

  5. Matty - I usually think of myself as a Bond fan if I have to boil it down to one thing - but I now have to admit - Friday the 13th fan is right in there too. Thank you for the kudos! And you're right - my mind boggles at all the interactions I've been able to enjoy thanks to this interweb thing - including a couple of cell phone chats with Adrienne King! I will keep a posting - please do keep coming by!
