Friday, January 13, 2012

The January 2012 Friday the 13th Coast to Coast Toast!

Look at that - another post celebrating Friday the 13th, and the exquisite wines to be found at

2012 is going to have three Friday the 13ths in it, and the first one is here!

This first one is taking place at the same time that Adrienne King is in Los Angeles for a 35mm screening of the original 1980 movie to celebrate a limited edition CD release of Harry Manfredini's music from the first six flicks!

Consequently, I'm not sure if Adrienne King will be presiding over a big Coast to Coast Toast segment there at the show - but in the hopes that others will be participating somewhere in the world - I went ahead and cobbled together a new photo in case there's a contest again:

I call this one "All Out of Crystal Lake Wine" and as can be seen, Alice is equally unhappy about the situation.

Wish me luck should there be another judging competition - I'm not sure if winning last year's precludes me from winning this year's, but I wanted to participate in any case.
Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. On the bright side, if your bottle is empty, that means your cup runeth over--and how cool is that!

    Happy Friday the 13th to my friend who knows so much pop media info, it really is scary.

  2. Joe Richardson! Wonderful to see you - Happy Friday the 13th back at you - next one is April, I believe! Thanks for coming by!

  3. Happy belated Friday the 13th! I actually watched Part 4 this morning in honor of Jason Voorhees. I love that pic. You look so sad and lost.

    I'm digging that TV. LGOOH/Imaginarium movie night will be at your place. ;)

  4. MB - That's so awesome - you and I and our buddy Kaijinu ALL watched Part 4 to celebrate the day! Synchronicity rules! Thank you for the kudos on my performance - I just imagined a world without Roger Corman and there it was...

    After she saw this pic, Adrienne King told me that I am now promoted from one of her campers - I'm now a counselor! And she toasted me at the 35mm screening of the original flick and part 6 in Los Angeles to celebrate the release of a limited edition CD of Harry Manfredini's music from the first six movies. Boggled!

    Yeah, that is my Super TV - like Dr. Praetorius said - "A giant television. It's my only vice..."

    As if!

