Thursday, April 17, 2014

A-Z Challenge 2014: O is for Operation Kid Brother!


You gotta love the Italians - they do enjoy making their own versions of other people's movies. And you really gotta give it to these filmmakers - they didn't just find some hunky lantern jawed hero type and stick him in a generic James Bond pastiche - no, this bunch went and hired Sean Connery's brother - a non-acting plastic surgeon and archer - and had him play himself. Then they went and hired the Bond Girl from From Russia with Love (Daniela Bianchi); the main villain from Thunderball (Adolfo Celi); and a secondary bad guy from Dr. No (Anthony Dawson).

They weren't done yet either! They also hired M (Bernard Lee) to play Neil Connery's spy boss and Miss Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell) as the spy boss's secretary. Mind: blown! I guess what really surprises me is that the 007 producers just let this go on - with apparently no problem whatsoever.

I'd always heard and believed that this was just terrible - but I finally saw it a few months ago - and you know what? While it's true Neil Connery was no actor - the movie is actually an entertaining Bond knockoff - with outlandish but respectable production values and tongue enough in cheek to make it fun.

It was on Amazon Streaming in a nice widescreen version and might still be if you'd like to check it out.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Sean Connery had a brother? And he starred in an Italian James Bond movie? Now I've heard everything!

  2. LOL This is brilliant. It's the most original casting I've ever heard in a mockbuster film.

    1. I'd love to know if Neil just popped up yes - or if he needed coaxing. Also - did he run it by Sean?

  3. If I didn't know any better I'd say this was an April Fool's joke! Hilarious! The making of this movie would make a cool movie in itself! Plastic surgeon archer? LOL

    1. I can understand that! And yes - it's also very cool and adds to the goofy fun of this that they wrote Neil's real profession and hobby in as his spy skills!

  4. Never saw the movie, but now knowing that Sean Connery's non-acting brother is in it, I'm going to have to give it some of my time. Thanks! As of this moment, I am your newest A to Z follower. Nice post. Entertaining and interesting – a double whammy.

    1. That's very kind of you to say debi! Thanks for following! I'll return the favor! Come by often, stay late, and comment whenever the mood strikes you!

  5. Great Poster ! I love these Italian Bond knock -offs (and Jaws knock-offs and Mad Max knock-offs and Escape From New York knock-offs....)

    1. The Italians do know their way around a knock off!
