Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A-Z Challenge 2014: N is for Never Too Young to Die!


Yeah, it's a video poster - but those count too! Here's a goofy 80's James Bond takeoff that at least had the good idea to actually hire a former James Bond - George Lazenby - to seal the 007 deal. Plus you have Vanity, Gene Simmons, and Robert Englund.  And, aw, what the heck - you got John Stamos too. And his hair. And a crazed hermaphrodite villain.  If you're not thinking "I need to see this right away...." then you should be!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Craig: John Stamos! WOW! Such a cool retro poster. Love your description. Too funny.

    1. Luana! So lovely to see you back! Thanks for the kind words!

  2. I met George Lazenby once. I had no idea he'd done anything but that one James Bond movie. Maybe he'd prefer to keep it that way!

    Visiting you from the A to Z challenge sign-up page. Great to meet you!

    Stephanie Faris, author
    30 Days of No Gossip

    1. Wow! I have never met a James Bond! He did have a few more roles after 007. Although I think you may be right about most of them! Ha!

      Greet to meet you as well! Thanks for coming by! I will return your visit!
