Friday, April 18, 2014

A-Z Challenge 2014: P is for The Pirate Movie!


All right - I know - it's a really goofy movie - but that's the point! Gilbert and Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance becomes a big hit on Broadway. Movie rights are sought after and secured - a very theatrical looking version went before the movie cameras with Kevin Kline and Linda Ronstadt starring.

Then for some bizarre reason these filmmakers were undaunted and decide to film a spoof version - with parody songs and pop culture gags that were decades ahead of those "______ Movie" flicks that were coming out every couple of months a few years ago. This movie beat The Pirates of Penzance to theaters by about six months. Neither did very well at the box office, though this one had a long second life on HBO and other pay cable services throughout the 80's.

It's got an entertaining cast and was lushly shot in Australia - gorgeous scenery and solid production values make this one of my favorite WTH curio movies.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Pirate, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I must have been busy when this one came out, because I don't remember seeing it. I might have to check it out, but I'm not sure if it will be very high on my "to watch soon list," because that list is growing fast. :-)

    1. It's definitely fluff - but it's eye pleasing fluff.

  2. I've never seen The Pirate Movie, but I think they need to put some clothes on! haha

    1. Isn't that what pirate flags are for? ;) Thanks for coming by!

  3. I saw that poster and immediately the song hit my brain. "Give me a happy ending, every time, we'll kiss and make up. Everything will work out fine." Are those the right lyrics? Haven't seen that movie in decades, so it's pretty amazing if so! The funny thing is, even as a teen, I didn't really think the movie was bad as I would today. You just kind of went with it when a movie was cheesy!

    1. And you still can! If you liked it then you can like it now! Cheers!
