

Monday, February 3, 2014

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #153!

This is the 750th post for Let's Get Out of Here!

Now on to this week's posters!

The Mummy's Ghost  (Universal Studios, 1944)

Yeah, these Mummy flicks with Lon Jr were pretty rote - and their continuity is almost non-existent - but I still love 'em. They were a fixture in my Friday night and Saturday night movie watching as a kid - I'll watch any of them any time with anyone.

Dr. Giggles  (Universal Studios, 1992)

Everything on paper says this should have been a tidy little chiller - with a few sequels in the offing. But something just didn't let it come together. I didn't hate it - just found it mostly meh with a few good moments. What say you?

Moonshine Mountain  (Creative Communcations, Inc., 1964)

One of Herschell Gordon Lewis's other movies away from his gore flicks - apparently shot in Sout Carolina. I'm sure it's terrible - but I'd love to see it anyway!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Huzzah!! I've never seen "Dr. Giggles", but I've seen a bunch of clips and trailers. I'd guess the doctor puns wore thin after a while.

    1. They did jam those in and overload it - they should have lightened those and left some for the sequels!
