Monday, March 26, 2012

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #62!

Harry in Your Pocket!  (United Artists, 1973)

I haven't seen this one - but it's about pickpockets, and it's a feature film directed by Bruce (Mission: Impossible) Geller - plus Coburn is always a fun lead. I went to see if it is available on Netflix - and now it's on my Instant Queue!

American Grindhouse  (Lorber Films, 2010)

We might have a theme tonight - movies I haven't seen that are on my Netflix Instant Queue!

The Fastest Guitar Alive  (MGM, 1967)

Oh, no, wait - I've seen this one - even had Buddha Man review it - here is the link to the review. But it's a fun poster for a fun little movie - so here it is!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. What? Harry In Your Pocket? So, this is a film about me? ;-D

    Heard lots of good things about American Grindhouse. I really need to check this out in the near future.

    1. I thought it was about a miniaturized you on a mission to replace George's entire video collection with movies made before 1980...

      Yeah, these guys are apparently on quite a roll with these retrospective documentaries...I want to see the Australian one and the Filipino one too!

  2. James Coburn is awesome! I want to see this! Fastest Guitar Alive...LOL. I like Roy's music as well. There must be something about having a big name singing star in movies, no matter how lame the story. I saw Bob Dylan in Masked and Anonymous. He is the worst actor EVER, but nobody cares as long as we can watch him sing.

    1. Yeah, Coburn had an easy and pleasant screen presence - I always enjoy his movies. And you are right - we can cut a lot of slack to our singing stars when they topline a movie. Keep the songs coming every few minutes and we totally forgive your limp noodle acting...
