Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 3/24/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

I have to believe Cerina Vincent would, so we will make the choice together - and it will be this one:

I love William Castle's original House on Haunted Hill. I thought the 1999 remake was okay, too. No classic, but a decent watch, as most of the Dark Castle movies have been. I wasn't sure about the idea of a direct-to-video sequel, however, until I found out that they really jazzed this flick up for its high def release on Blu-Ray (and HD DVD, although Heaven help you if you chose that format) - how about that interactive feature?

So, with 96 possibilities, each viewing can be a somewhat different movie - and what's really cool - it isn't a bunch of seeming flexibility in the middle that always comes back around to the exact same ending with the exact same survivors - you actually control who lives and who dies with your decisions.

I don't want every movie to be like this - and I'm not sure I'd watch this one more than once without it - but it is a fun way to experience this very gory ghost story with a group of friends - and my Blu-Ray is ready to go anytime - even tonight, if you were to show up at my door!

And that wraps us up until next post, so you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Like you, I loved Castle's original film. The remake was okay, but a little iffy for me. I have not heard of this version, but I will most definitely give it a shot.

    1. I can only recommend the movie on Blu-Ray because without the interactive decision points the movie would only be a rehash of the remake. And thank you MB for giving the original some love! Vincent Price and William Castle FTW!

  2. The original was okay, but the remake was better for my taste. I never liked this one, seems unnecessary.

    1. Except for the interactivity, you'd be right, Kaijinu.

  3. all 3 Haunted Hill movies left me cold. The remake is quite ok, don't like the original and the sequel.

    1. Wow - a classic over the top Vincent Price movie? I thought you'd love that one as much as I did, Harry! And again, the sequel is only really recommendable in the High Def interactive version.

  4. Have not seen the original, HATED the remake. I probably won't be checking this one out.

    1. In interactive mode I still recommend it, George.
