

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Video Vault of Mora Tau 10/11/13!

I really love the old TV promos from back in the day - forgive the That's Incredible bit and wait for the awesome TV movie trailer behind it...

A local airing of one of my faves - I'm not sure if the promo itself was put together by others and distributed to stations with the movie in their package to show - or if this channel's house editor put it together - if it was the local guy he did a really nice job with it!

Here's a commercial that used to scare the living high holy crap out of me as a kid!

And lastly here's another from ABC - you get the incredible Ernie Anderson (Ghoulardi himself!) announcing a mostly forgotten horror anthology series hosted by...not necessarily who you'd expect, since he never really acted in any horror films or series...coincidentally - this was taped off a channel out of Evansville Indiana that I used to watch in Illinois when the conditions were right and my big exterior antenna on my house would pick it up...

Until tomorrow's post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I love those old TV commercials and that clip is terrifying!

    1. Isn't it? It's still gives me mild heebie jeebies today!

  2. I'm BAAAACCKK!! At least for the moment. God, I have missed this place. These clips are cheesetastic and I remember this movie oh so well LOL.

    1. MELLY B!!!! So good to see you! Welcome back! Man, this place has been too quiet without you!
