Monday, February 2, 2015

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #201!

Soul Patrol  (Cinematic Releasing Corporation, 1981)

This one is a little complicated. The movie was made in 1976 in South Africa as Death of a Snowman. It was released here by Cinematic Releasing Corporation in 1978 as Black Trash (Stay classy, Cinematic!) Then it got more play three years later under this title. I've never seen it, but apparently it's a pretty good Blaxploitation cop flick with a white cop teaming up with a black reporter to investigate vigilante killings. I'd like to see it - I don't care which title - although I'd like it to be a complete version please and thank you.

The Lodger  (20th Century Fox, 1944)

This remake of a silent movie casts the large and imposing Laird Cregar as the title character - who may or may not be Jack the Ripper. It was a great success, and 20 Century Fox planned to capitalize on it with a series of movies casting Cregar in similar roles. The first of these was Hangover Square, which also cast George Sanders. Sadly, Cregar died from the strain of a medically unsupervised crash diet he'd put himself on in the hopes of escaping his Big Bad Man casting - he wanted to be a romantic leading man - and his death from heart attack came just after Hangover Square was completed, and it was released after his death.

Daddy-'O'  (American International Pictures, 1958)

This 50's flick combining drag racing and band drama is not one I've managed to see - but it does hold an interesting place in film history - it's the first movie scored by John Willams - you know - Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Superman? That guy? So I'd really like to check this one out!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Thanks for the info on Soul Patrol (love that poster!), never heard of this one, but the back story is definitely interesting. I have the FOX Horror Classics sets here, but I have yet to get to them. I had em lined up for Halloween but work got in the way... I quite like the poster for Daddy O, too, and there's definitely one good reason to watch it!

    1. Yes, I'm very intrigued to watch Daddy-'O' and see if you can hear anything familiar in John Williams' first score.

  2. Great post - Excellent group of posters Craig ! Cregar was also excellent in 1941's I WAKE UP SCREAMING.

    1. Thanks Dick - yes! I Wake Up Screaming is a goodie - with Cregar menacing a luscious Ginger Rogers, if I remember correctly!
