Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday Night at the Movies 6/21/14!

Who cares what picture we see?

Richard O'Brien certainly would - but we're not picking the obvious choice tonight - no, we're going with this one...

I have always liked this bright, flashy, and knowingly campy version of the classic serial hero - right from my first viewing in the theater when it was first released.

The leads look good, and the supporting cast is terrific - including Timothy Dalton seven years before he got his licence to kill - and they're surrounded by a big budget production utilizing designs inspired by the 1930's serials. Add in a fun score from Queen - and you've got an evening's entertainment.

I have a special edition DVD standing by to spin - and we could be cheering Flash on anytime - even tonight - if you're not too pathetic an Earthling to come on over...

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Pathetic Earthling, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. A great piece of ´cinematic comics´...very visually influenced by Mario Bava´s films in its look.

    1. I did not realize Bava had been an influence - but considering the film's Italian pedigree - starting with produced Dino de Laurentiis - that makes sense. Thanks for coming by and commenting, Marco!

  2. I really need to get on this one - it seems to have quite a cult following.

  3. I'm with you on this one Craig. FLASH GORDON knows exactly what is (and what it wants to be) and does an excellent job dong it - and the Queen score is perfect.

    1. It's the kind of movie that epitomizes the word "fun!"

  4. Hola Craig Edwards!! Quería comunicarle que mi sitio RetroCinema in Spectrum-X ha cambiado de lugar.
    Ahora nos encontramos en
    Un Saludo y estamos en contacto...

    1. Hola Baisiak - ¡gracias por la advertencia - Me aseguraré de que mi seguimiento es todavía en su lugar - Puede que no sea capaz de leer tu blog - pero usted no tiene que leerlo para seguirlo - ¿me equivoco? (risas)

  5. I couldn't agree more that Flash is campy but fun and Queen's score is brilliant. Way to go making such a fun article, and hope you have a super Monday buddy!

    1. Thank you man - it was a good Monday - off work and wrapping up an anniversary weekend mystery touring my Mrs. around. Hope yours was fantastic as well!
