Monday, June 23, 2014

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #169!

Hard Ticket to Hawaii  (Malibu Bay Films 1987)

Not gonna lie - this poster has probably appeared on this blog no less than three times - but it's my second favorite Andy Sidaris movie - so there's no telling how many times I'll feature it before all is said and done.

Secrets of a Model  (1940)

Another sordid cautionary tale designed to titillate its audience while shaking its finger at its main character. I love movies like that!

The Night Brings Charlie  (Quest Entertainment, 1990)

I had no idea this was made so recently - I always assumed it was late 70's or early 80's when I saw it sitting on the video shelf. That I never picked it up and rented it is something else altogether, but I'd check it out now given the chance.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Dona Speir, Hope Marie Carlton, killer frisbees and a giant snake busting out of a toilet - what's there not to love ???

  2. Dude, Charlie is hilarious! I once found a terrible-looking but watchable VHS rip on YT. Hilariously bad flick =)

  3. I'm guessing the poster is the best part of Charlie, but it's awesome.

  4. Excellent, I have this one lined up for viewing at some point in the next few weeks, really looking forward to it!

  5. yeah, The Night Brings Charlie is pretty misleading with that old school style poster/box art, but it's pure pre-Scream 90s cheese. With duo-twists!
