Monday, February 10, 2014

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #154!

The Wrath of God  (MGM, 1972)

I haven't seen this one - but it looks like a pretty good 70's action flick with a very solid cast - including Rita Hayworth in her final film. Definitely would like to catch this sometime.

Kung Fu Zombie  (Transmedia Distribution Company, 1982)

Well, if the Romero rules are being observed, BEAT IT, OR BURN IT, OR SHOOT IT IN THE HEAD. If not - you got me - good luck with that.

Baby Needs A New Pair of Shoes  (Alert Film Releasing, 1974)

This one I've seen! It's a fair blaxploitation flick with some wild elements. It's on some budget DVD sets as Jive Turkey, which is the title I saw it under - though the above is apparently the original title.

Until next we meet - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Man, I gotta find a copy of WRATH OF GOD. Robert Mitchum as a priest with a machine gun ! Count me in !

    1. Absolutely! I feel like it might be available through Warner Archive as a MOD disc. May have to check that out.
