Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies 6/22/13!

Who cares what picture we see?

Tony Todd will if you say the movie's title five times - or so I've heard...

Experience taught me in the late 90's to be a little wary of any movie with "Wes Craven Presents" above the title - as there were some fairly crappy movies in the WCP library. But this one turned to be a pleasant surprise when I saw it on VHS - a gleefully nasty flick about an evil genie - played to the hilt by the always entertaining Andrew Divoff. Throw in some cool effects - and appearances from a half dozen well known horror actors - and you've got a fine night's entertainment to me.

And why don't we fulfill our wish for more evil djinn - I know just the tonic - we'll do a...

Saturday Night at the Movies Double Feature!


And here's the second movie now!

The success of the first movie made the producers and studio wish for a sequel - so of course they made one. It's a little underbudgeted for what it tries to pull off - but they got Andrew Divoff to come back which makes up for quite a bit. So, a not bad sequel, well worth a watch.

(Yes, there are indeed two more sequels - and they could have made this a "Dawn to Dusk Marathon" except - Divoff took a hike after the second go-round - replaced by the underwhelming John Novak - and having seen Part 3 - you're welcome that I'm keeping it to these two flicks. They're not in the video vault anyway - which disqualifies them from appearing here.)

Both of these movies are in the video vault twice - on a flipper DVD and a more recent multipack horror set - so there's bound to be a copy in easy reach at any time - even tonight - if you want to come check them out with me!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Aaargh, Never seen any of the Wishmaster flicks. I'm bad :/

  2. Have not seen the sequel, but I did like the first. And that intermission clip is awesome. I loved being able to see a double feature.

    1. The sequel's a step down, but still well in the entertainment zone. Part 3, not so much.

  3. Great idea doing an intermission Craig. I've only seen bits of these, but Andrew Divoff is brilliant at being terrifying and compelling at the same time.

    1. Thanks Maurice! Yeah, I really like him in pretty much everything I've seen him in!

  4. I vaguely remember the first film. All I recall there was that awesome climax with all the statues coming to life and killing people. I wanted to see it again.

    Part 2 was my first Wishmaster, though, and I still have the copy of it. Kinda low-budgeted as you described it, but still fun!

    1. The first two are fine movies. The third one is pretty bad - and the fourth movie's trailer makes me run screaming from the room.
