Monday, June 24, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #121!

Cujo  (Warner Bros., 1983)

This one seems to be a slightly underrated Stephen King adaptation - but I saw it in the theater during its release and I think it's a corker flick. Mom, kid, rabid dog, non-starting car. Go.

Hercules and the Captive Women  (Woolner Brothers Pictures, 1963)

I have never seen this muscleman epic (or "peplum") - but I'd check it out. Sometimes though, there sure is an awful lot of (dubbed) talking and not a lot of strongman action, though.

Maniac  (Analysis Film Releasing Corporation, 1980)

As the good reviews for the remake starring Elijah Wood start to pour in - I'm still bummed that getting my buddy Ray his Gunnar Hansen autograph at Mad Monster Party in March cost me seeing a screening of that remake - let's not forget the original - one of the seamiest, grimiest movies ever made. I love it of course, since first seeing it on VHS back in the day. I own it on Blu-Ray (!) now - and it looks pretty damned amazing.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Am I the only one who was rooting for the dog in Cujo!?! Because that kids was so annoying.

    I'm mean like that, I know...



    1. Poor ol' Danny Pintauro - but yeah, with you on that one! ;)

  2. Yeah, Cujo! One of the absolute best Stephen King adaptations ever.
    and yeah, Maniac, one of the grittiest and darkest slasher-variations of all time - though, the remake is better...

    1. I agree on Cujo - hmmmm...high praise for a remake...still, I definitely want to see it!

    2. This Maniac remake is getting built up in my mind - hope I'm not underwhelmed as a consequence!

  3. I did not even know that Elijah Wood was doing a remake, how long ago did it come out and why was there no advertisement for it, I wonder. You'd think they'd have had a trailer or two. The only thing wrong with the cover of that is the human head. It takes hours to take off a head with a knife of that size. I know because I asked at Cook County morgue.
