Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies 6/1/13!

Who cares what picture we see?

Michael Madsen doesn't, in all honesty - but we can still pick this one:

Pierce Brosnan's 007 swan song is not highly regarded these days - I think the Monday morning quarterbacks who are comparing it to the next movie in the series - Casino Royale - are doing this movie a disservice.

I think it's got all the elements in place - a good villain; an attractive leading lady; and sadly John Cleese's only outing as the successor to Desmond Llewellyn's Q. People complain about the Aston Martin "Vanish" - sneering "invisible car, meh." But you know what - they've already got the tech. For real.

In fact - here's some video of it:

So there you go.

I have DAD (heh) in the Bond 50 Blu-Ray set - and we could have it in the player in mere moments - if you wanted to come check it out with me - even tonight!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I really enjoyed this one. Though she's lovely, lovely, lovely--Halle Berry doesn't bring the same electricity or complexity to the Bond bombshell role that we've sometimes seen before and since. She's a bit too over-the-top catwoman for my taste.

    Still, the bit where Brosnan watches her splash from the shallows is one of my favorite Bond lady introductions, ever.

    Which brings us to Brosnan. Like the Bonds before him, he was a product of the times. He played the part well, with more warmth than we've seen from Craig (who is probably our chilliest Bond, and therefore, most like Fleming's character).

    He kept the franchise alive, and gave us a lot of fun moments. And really, isn't that why we tuned in to Bond back in the day?

    Awesome poster. Wish I was close enough to drop by for this one. I'd have brought the mojitos...

    1. Well, I have to say I kind of liked ol' Jinx - and think it would have been marvelous to see what the proposed spin-off movie would have looked like.

      I would have enjoyed the mojitos - one of these days, my of these days...

  2. I had some big problems with this movie, but it does have some classic Bond bits. That may be its failing. It took all the Bond elements, but took them in the wrong direction. It had a Bond girl, but Jinx tried to take over the movie. The invisible car was not only a stretch scientifically but also didn't have much point from a story perspective. The North Korean threat seemed more paranoid than modern. The villains plan was nonsensical - a solar satellite just to blow up mines on the DMZ? It seemed like they had a checklist of Bond elements and just filled out the checklist with whatever they came up with, but didn't think about how the elements fit together.

    1. I will give you that they did seem to be hitting a checklist to some extent - but it's still a fine movie to me - not the nadir of the series as some "fans" believe. Definitely appreciate your point of view though - thanks for coming by and commenting! Cheers!

  3. Ive never seen this movie. I'm actually not sure why I'm really not into James Bond because he's everything I want to be.



    1. Though I do recommend it - I certainly wouldn't start with this one. If you were planning a small sampling of Bond - I'd say go with Goldfinger (Sean Connery), On Her Majesty's Secret Service (George Lazenby), The Spy Who Loved Me (Roger Moore), The Living Daylights (Timothy Dalton), Tomorrow Never Dies (Pierce Brosnan), and then the reboot Casino Royale (Daniel Craig).

  4. Wow, crazy camouflage car video! I have mixed feelings about DAD. On one hand...Brosnan (and I know I'm dating myself) was my first Bond, so I have a little more patience for him than most. And I really did enjoy DAD when I saw it for the first time on the big screen. On the other hand...Brosnan is one campy bastard.

    1. He certainly has his campy moments - but he also has some bril points too. I think he did a fine job curating the series for his seven year run. He also presided over some big money makers - which kept the series going after going dark for six years.

      Now there's a question - given the chance - WOULD you date yourself? ;)

  5. This was not a bad movie. I liked Jinx myself and would have loved to have seen a spin off film. And I do love Pierce Brosnan, he was a better Bond than Dalton, whom I cannot stand. But the worst for me will always be George Lazenby.
