Monday, June 3, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #118!

After last week - we've really packed the movie posters in to this joint - but we're back to the usual - so here's three more!

48 Hours to Live  (Freja Film, 1959)

I have no direct knowledge of this flick - but despite the "space-y" look to the poster - it's apparently about nuclear spies, with at least one side trip into a Swedish nudist colony for good measure. Sounds like a good movie to me!

The Park is Mine  (20th Century Fox, 1986)

This was another movie that I saw on dozens of video shelves (or at least a couple of video shelves dozens of times...) I never ended up renting it back then, fearing too much talk. I really want to see it now, of course. Crazy Vietnam vet takes over Central Park as his own domain. Look at that cast, and directed by the man who helmed Rolling Vengeance!

The Dunwich Horror  (American International Pictures, 1970)

I saw this on VHS with my Lovecraft fanatic movie pal Richard, and we were fairly dismissive of its late 60's/early 70's treatment. I have a feeling a watch today might reveal this to be a fairly decent Lovecraft movie....

Love those movie posters! Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Ah, Dunwich Horror was good but I don't remember much. Seen it ages ago.

    Haven't heard of the other two, thought I really dig the poster for "48 Hours to Live"

    btw, the year next to Park Is Mine is missing.

  2. Som egood old posters there. Passing through on my roadtrip

    1. Enjoy the trip! Come back if you're of a mind to.

  3. So the first was a "nudie cutie" with a James Bond twists? Jeez that second poster is horrific!

    1. I guess that would sum up 48 Hours to Live! Yeah, it's weird looking.

  4. Dunwich Horror remains a lousy Lovecraft adaptation, but upon viewing it in my maturity (so-called, anyway) it's a fun '60's crapfest, worth the watch. And I love that poster!

    1. Well, I was hoping it was better than we found it after that first viewing...but what can you do?

  5. These are most excellent. I would totally frame the first one and hang it in my house.



  6. The Dunwich Horror...OMG!!! I could not for the life of me remember the name of this film. I was just talking about it with my brother as it had been a Son of Svengoolie showing on a Saturday night.
