Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies 3/23/13!

Who cares what picture we see?

Murray Hamilton could - as long as we don't show it on the 4th of July - so let's just go with the obvious choice:

I'm not sure what drew me to this movie when it came out in the summer of '75 - I was a wee lad in single digits - but I convinced my mom to take me to the theater. WOWSERS! What an incredibly scary and wonderful experience that was. I fell head over heels in love with Jaws that day - and that is a love that has never - can never - die. The movie is a Gold Standard Classic - the perfect popcorn picture.

It got picked as tonight's movie because it just so happens I am spending time this weekend with some of the cast and crew of the movie at a convention reunion!

I usually go with the original theatrical trailer - but this newer trailer got chosen for two reasons - first, I couldn't find a version of the 1975 preview that didn't have someone's website plastered as a bug on the trailer, and secondly because this is an epic release on Blu-Ray - one of the most gorgeous releases I've ever seen - reference quality - and I wanted that brought out in this post.

We could have the Blu-Ray in the machine in mere moments - if you want to come over and check it out with me - even tonight! And afterwards, we can drive ten minutes to Wrightsville Beach for a moonlight swim...

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I love, love this movie and you are right absolutely right, a gold standard indeed. The performances, the dialogue, the camera work... just everything about this film is rated awesome. I think that is incredibly cool that you are spending time at this convention and I hope that you intend to do a complete write up as I want to hear all about it. :)

    1. The Jaws panel shed some light on just how lucky we are that every element in this movie lifts it higher as entertainment - more on that in my convention post! Yay Jaws!

  2. I couldn't agree more! Best movie ever! This was one of mine and hubby's date movies before were married. I remember coming home from the movie and looking at the goldfish in the fish tank with a whole new perspective. Melissa nailed it ... excellent on every level. I have watched this so many times you wouldn't believe. The visual motifs are outstanding...such wonderful shots of "shark teeth" images: the jar of paint brushes in the hardware store, the fences on the beach. Then you have the image of Brody running through the crowd of people when the girl in the bandana yells "shark!" like the shark swimming in the many others. Not to mention the characters, the music, the acting. I've never seen it in blue ray. That would be amazing.

    1. It is really stunning beyond belief in high def. I'm thrilled this movie has been such an important touchstone in your love of cinema - because it's an important touchstone in mine as well! Vive la Jaws!

  3. The first and best "shark-sploitation" movie ever made. Jaws 2 was good, and I enjoyed newer stuff like Open Water or The Reef, but nothing beats the mighty mighty Jaws!

    1. You nailed it - I would actually add Jaws 3 - I think the plot and characters are cool - and I love the 3-D silly stuff! But all the rest are swell movies! Cheers to Jaws!

  4. Open Water was awesome... so intense. I'm glad there wasn't a happy ending.

  5. I can't wait to hear about your convention experience. I'm on Expedia right now but for some reason still can't get the balls to book the trip for Texas Frightmare Weekend! I think I'm going to, though, otherwise I won't be able to stop thinking about it.

    Oh yeah, and Jaws is awesome. I mean, you really don't have to explain anymore beyond that - everyone knows it's awesome.

    1. My post is not coming together as quickly as I'd like (or - read that as I'm not making the time to get it finished) - I'm waiting on my buddy to email me the pics that lurk on his camera, for example.
