Monday, March 25, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #113!

Dracula  (Universal Studios, 1931)

"The strangest love story the world has ever known" was how they promoted this Monster Movie classic when it was released on February 14th, 1931 - but forget that chick flick tagline and revel in the awesomeness that is Bela Lugosi as Dracula directed by Tod Browning!

The Kinky Coaches and the Pom-Pom Pussycats  (aka Heartbreak High)  (Sandy Howard Productions, 1981)

Wow! I had never heard of this 1979 Canadian tax shelter flick with the Kinky Coaches title the original one - but I love those three actors - and Siskel and Ebert tagged it the Dog of the Week when it finally limped onto American theater screens in 1981 - so guess who just added the DVD of it to their video vault! How 'bout them apples?

The Fixer  (MGM, 1968)

I know nothing about this drama - but it's a corker cast - and a pretty good poster! AND it's suitable only for adults!

Until next post - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. "Do you like apples?" That Dracula poster is awesome, but vampires have become so sexualized I find it odd that he's going after a guy. Just goes to show how times have changed.

    1. That's so funny! I hadn't even made the connection! Add in the tagline about the "strangest love story" and it really gets hilarious!

  2. Love the Dracula poster! It's been a while since I've seen a non-sparkly vampire!! Gods, I miss the good old days!!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

    1. Wow! Thanks for coming by! AND for following! (Returned the favor!) You're right - it's weird how an 80 year old movie can be a breath of fresh air - but it's a straight shot of oxygen compared to Count Sparkles. Please come by often, stay late, and comment as often as the mood strikes you! Cheers!

      And hugs back!

  3. I prefer my vampires monstrous, too. Hate those diamond duds from the Series That Shall Not Be Named. You gotta love those old 70's-80's bad comedy romps. I loved Porkey's etc. LOL

    1. Yeah, I had to add the Kinky Coaches to the video vault because I love the sexy teen romps from those days - and it was only $4 on Amazon!

  4. I've seen Dracula for the very first time last year Halloween at my buddy's flat together with a few peeps. Ok, the copy was in mediocre quality and it was badly German dubbed - but none of us was impressed of it. I need to see it again, maybe I like it more the second time...

    Here, Fixer was called "Ein Mann wie Hiob" = "A man like Hiob", and Kinky Coaches was simply called "Crunch".

    1. Well, the movie is 80+ years old. It is a little creaky. But Lugosi is marvellous in it.

