Thursday, March 14, 2013

Random Stew 3/14/13!

Doing some research through an online archive of the local newspaper brought forth some fun movie ads from 1982 - check 'em out!

I find it interesting that we not only had a theater showing adult films - check out the Skyline up there - but they could advertise in the newspaper! Neither of those would possibly happen these days.

I also love that Great White played here for a few days at least before Universal's lawyers shut it down. That particular Jaws ripoff does reside in the video vault under the title The Last Shark.

Anyway, these ads certainly brought back some memories for me - even if I didn't live here yet! I did see two of these movies in the theater up in Illinois though!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Very cool! Back in high school, I made a scrap book of movie ads and film reviews from our local paper. I also saved the covers of TV Guide. (I wasn't as bad as that guy on Seinfeld who saved the WHOLE TV Guide). I loved the photos of my favorite TV shows and celebs. My career goal in high school was to write scripts for TV shows. Never happened. At least not yet. Anyway...after a few years I threw that stuff out. Too much clutter...

  2. I had no idea this existed. I'd be busy for hours. That Porky's ad is wickedly funny.

  3. I want to go to 1982 and see some of those.

    - Cody

  4. Love seeing ads like that. Go search and like "Cinema du Meep" on FB - he posts stuff like that all day long!

  5. Very cool! I actually remember some movie ads like this that used to appear in our neighborhood paper, The Daily Calumet. It seems a lifetime ago. Sorry I missed this and got behind on my visits. I am catching up, my friend. :)
