Monday, March 11, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #111!

Garden of the Dead  (Entertainment Pyramid, Inc., 1972)

Goofy little zombie flick - if you'd like my full review check it out on Amazon - and LIKE it, please! The movie runs under an hour, still gets a little slow, but it has some interesting stuff going on - enough to warrant a viewing by anyone who likes zombie flicks...

Big Enough N'Old Enough  (aka Savages from Hell)  (1968)

The movie was made as Savages from Hell - but some enterprising movie distributor slapped that goofy alternate title on it - I haven't seen it - but I'd give it a watch!

The Beach Girls and the Monster  (U.S. Films, Inc, 1965)

Another one I THINK I saw on late night TV a million years ago - but I'll need another viewing to be sure - and why not? I'll get to hear tunes from that dreamy Frank Sinatra Jr.!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Another fab movie poster Monday. I have not seen any of these flicks, but will definitely check out your amazon review of Garden of the Dead (filmed in dead color...LOL)!

    1. Thanks for checking it out, Luana! Dead color - it's what all the cool zombie movies in 1972 were shot in...

  2. Ha! You always find some awesome gems Craig. I didn't see the link for your Amazon review BTW.

    1. Oh, I didn't even think to post a link Maurice! Thanks for taking care of that for me!

  3. I'll have to see that little zombie gem. I love that it is filmed in "dead" colors. I wonder what that palette looks like? The Beach Girls and the Monster... oh hell yeah! ;D

    1. Dead color - that palette tends toward the greens and yellows...and then the reds...MU HU HU HU HA HA HA!

  4. wow, haven't heard of any of these movies. Garden looks excellent, though the Imdb rating is pretty low.
    Beach Girls looks like something in the vein of Horror At Party Beach, which I gladly haven't seen yet :D
