Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies 1/26/13!

Who cares what picture we see?

Dick Miller just has to! So let's pick:

This blend of traditional animation and live action ala Who Framed Roger Rabbit? bombed miserably at the box office - and consequently squashed any further theatrical activity from these guys - but it's really a fun flick, thanks to a game cast and director Joe Dante - who manages to stuff about 37,000 cool genre actors and in-jokes in amongst the hijinx.

I think it's well worth a watch, and it resides in the video vault on a nice DVD we could be watching any time - even tonight - you know - if you wanted to come over and watch it!

Until next post you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Ha, I've seen that and thought it was pretty fun, though at that time I was more a fan of the Tiny Toons. And the super-hilarious Animaniacs :)

    1. High fives fellow Tiny Toons and Animaniacs fan :)

    2. I missed most of both of those shows - but have enjoyed the bits I've seen - wonder if they're on streaming...?

  2. I thought this was a great flick as I love all the Warner Brothers characters, esp Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn and Daffy Duck.

    1. Three of my faves too! Yeah, other than some weird and lackluster 60's toons where they kept slapping Sylvester and Speedy Gonzales together - you pretty much can't go wrong with Warner Bros!

  3. Craig: Why do you live so far away? I would love to go and watch flicks with ya'll. I can't even imagine what treasures you have in your vast film collection.

    1. I don't know why that is - living so far away! I DO have a pretty vast collection, ranging from the silents to this past summer's blockbusters - and you're always welcome to drop by - hey, if one of us hits a Powerball - let's have a big film festival at my place - all courtesy the winner's money!
