Monday, January 28, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #105!

Raw Meat  (American International Pictures, 1973)

I finally just recently saw this crazy British flick when TCM aired it in the wee hours Friday night at a part of their excellent "TCM Underground" series. The movie is summed up rather poorly at the top of the poster. The first sentence is okay - but let's amend the second to "Neither men nor women, they are less than animals...don't wander off in the London underground...don't venture down by yourself in the dead of night...or you may find that you're just raw meat for the tribe!"

Three Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain  (Columbia TriStar Pictures, 1998)

I haven't seen this fourth movie in the series - I saw the first one and was not much impressed. However, I might actually sit down with this one one of these days. Here's why: 1.) Look at the hair they put on Hulk Hogan. 2.) It's Victor Wong's last film. and 3.) Jim Varney - HELLO!

Don't Open the Window  (Hallmark Releasing, 1975)

This one was made in 1974 and known at times as Let Sleeping Corpses Lie and The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue. It was the latter title my British pen pal used when he highly recommended this zombie movie to me decades ago. Sadly, I've lost touch with that pen pal - and I've still never seen this movie! Damn it!

Thanks to Maynard over at the Horror Movie Diary for correcting the above, which I'd originally listed as Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, and while it may have made for an interesting horror movie (zombie dogs?) the real title is now stitched in to place!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. "THERE'S A HORRIBLE MONSTER OUTSIDE THE WINDOW!!! ...that's alright, I guess it can wait."

  2. Yeah, RAW MEAT a.k.a DEATH LINE is really, really awesome. One of Donald Pleasance's most amusing performances.

    Ugh, "Don't Open The Window" is such a horrible and senseless title. Craig, you made a massive typo: not DOGS, it's LET SLEEPING CORPSES LIE :D Oh, and you totally need to check it out, it's a fabulous flick!

    1. Thank you for catching that! Still a little wonky from the head cold - and I plan to one of these days!

  3. Hee hee "To avoid fainting..." I haven't seen any of these flicks but the posters rock. Okay, now I'm afraid of my windows...

    1. Eeek! Windows! Yeah, they stole that "To avoid fainting..." line - but they weren't the only ones! Cheers, Luana!

  4. LOL Kind of like "Don't go into the basement." And yeah, I've got see that flick for the Hulkster's gorgeous locks alone. ;)

  5. I've been curious to see Raw Meat for years now, but I want to make sure it's that good.

    3 Ninjas High Noon at Mega mountain was an okay family flick. seen it as a kid and loved it; now...well, let's just say it still has it's charms (It's Hulk Hogan! why not?)

    Don't Open The Window was a funny alternative title for a decent zombie flick.
