Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 10/13/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

I think Jason Lively would mull it over, then definitely care. While he's doing that, let's pick:

An unsung gem - this got dumped theatrically by Tri-Star, but found an audience on cable TV - it's a heck of a lot of fun, with Tom Atkins at his bombastic best as Detective Cameron.

I have this on a fine DVD and we could be watching Tom Atkins bellow "Thrill me!" into telephones as soon as...tonight...if you wanted to join me at my joint.

Until next post - just 24 or so hours from this moment - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. it's one of those movies that you don't know how fun and cool by the title. the wife and i watched it a few years ago... she was turned away from the title and by the end she was on my side!

    1. You've pegged it - that title doesn't communicate the knowing sense of humor this flick brings to the table - I'm glad your wife is a convert now!

  2. Great flick! I remember this one well. 80's horror just rocks! I love it when you pull out these gems. Sadly, I don't have a copy of this one.

    1. Oh, this one should definitely be on a shelf at the Imaginarium! And thanks - I do love pointing the way to a good watch, heralded or unheralded!

  3. Agree with all of you. A fun and highly entertaining 80s classic. Gory, funny, visually awesome and full of hilariously brilliant dialogue lines.

    1. It absolutely is all of that. Dekker's done some good stuff with this and The Monster Squad!
