Sunday, October 14, 2012

Celebrity Endorsement: Ari Lehman!

Several men have played Jason Voorhees over the years, but only one can call himself First Jason - Ari Lehman! Thankfully, the Original Voorhees knows good blogging when he sees it!

Thank you Mr. Lehman!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Would love to see the vid, but it's set to private. Congrats on getting tapped by the First Voorhees. This rocks!

    1. I did not know when I uploaded that from my phone that it would default the thing to private - and of course when I put it in the post I could see it as the YouTube account owner! D'oh! I think I've updated it to public! I hope you come back to see and can tell me if you can see it now!

  2. Yeah, you promise us something cool and then don't let us watch it? You're mean! :) I'm sure it is cool, though. Where did you meet him, at a convention or something?

    1. I did not mean to be mean! It's just natural, I guess. I met him at...oh, but that is a story for a post to come this month!

  3. Celebrity blog endorsement! How cool is that? Very!

    Looking forward to the tale of how this came to be...

    1. Not more than 15 days away! Thanks for coming by Joe!
