Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 9/1/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

I can't say I rightly know if Zane Busby would or not, but in this election year I think it might be time for this one:

This satirical spoof set in 1998 didn't do well at all in 1979 when it was released - I caught it the night it premiered on Showtime a year or two later - and while as a young teen or pre-teen I enjoyed seeing lots of familiar faces - I didn't get most of the film's humor.

I'm looking forward to seeing it again now - especially as all indications point to the film being sadly prescient to the way the world has turned out today.

I got Warner Home Video to whip me up a fine DVD presentation of the movie for the video vault, and we could be chuckling (or not chuckling) at this goofy flick as soon as tonight - if you want to come watch it with me!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I own this movie as well!

    1. Very cool - is yours a Warner Bros On Demand disc too - or do you have an older release?

  2. wtf is that? never heard of that but the trailer looks completely rad. John Ritter as president? LOL :D

    1. A really goofy movie from the late 70's - and yeah - good ol' John Ritter as the President - the same year he took another failed shot at movie stardom with Hero at Large!

  3. I love John Ritter and miss him terribly. He was certainly one of the best television actors. Funny, yet he could also be frightening. Caught him in a ep of Buffy and wow! He was a psychotic robot on par with Ash in Alien.
