Thursday, August 30, 2012

Killer Shrews Sequel Update from Director Steve Latshaw!

Hey guys! Big news! Last year I was thrilled to report the news of a brand new sequel to the 1959 late night classic The Killer Shrews here. The first trailer went online a few months later and I posted about it here. Well, director Steve Latshaw just dropped by and left a new comment on that first post with the very latest news on Return of the Killer Shrews!

New artwork for the movie

Here is what Mr. Latshaw had to say:

"I haven't contributed for a while... our new trailer is up on the web site and our film is finished and hitting the festival circuit as we speak... we recently garnered three nominations from the Los Angeles Action on Film Festival, including Best Actor (James Best), best supporting actor (John Schneider) and best special effects (Sean Hart's SILO, INC.). The next US festival screening will be Friday night, September 14, in Columbus, Indiana, as part of the B MOVIE CELEBRATION. Our film will screen about 9:00pm, right after the premiere of Jim Wynorski's new remake of GIANT GILA MONSTER, called GILA. Irony of ironies..."

Gila stars a follower of this blog - Kelli Maroney (of Night of the Comet fame) and I hope that film is a great success for Mr. Wynorski and his cast and crew.

But it's Return of the Killer Shrews that I'm itching to see - it looks gorgeous, it appears to have a fun sense of humor, and that incredible cast - including three Dukes of Hazzard cast members (James Best, John Schneider, Rick Hurst); the great Bruce Davison; and Errol Flynn's grandson Sean Flynn, who must have spent some time here in the Port City recently as it turns out he and I have mutual friends...

The website where that new trailer can be viewed at the movie's website:

Director Steve Latshaw and I have almost known each other for years now - which is probably news to him - but he and I were both knocking around Southern Illinois University in Carbondale Illinois in the mid 80's, and we became online acquaintances through director Fred Olen Ray's late lamented Retromedia Forum site for the last few years before Mr. Ray closed the cyber doors. Steve Latshaw went on from Southern Illinois to become a successful writer/producer/director of movies like Dark Universe, Jack-O, and Vampire Trailer Park. He also recently wrote the Dolph Lundgren action flick Command Performance.

I can't thank Steve Latshaw enough for coming by with this update - and until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. two words: hamboningly awesome! (hope they won't go all CG on us, though...)

    1. Well, as you will see below - not ALL CG, Kaijinu!

    2. that's what they said in The Thing 2011, but okay!

    3. But, it's the film's director telling you!

  2. haven't seen the original, but I'll try to check it out in the future. Maybe I could do a double review when the sequel's finally out.

    1. Oh that would be a great post! Looking forward to that one!

  3. Looks like they had a blast with this--and huzzah for Latshaw being an SIUC guy!

    From the premiere footage, I take it they filmed in Tennessee. Seems like they would have shot in Hazard County, Kentucky... :)

    1. I would answer you Joe - but our fellow alum Steve Latshaw takes care of that in the next comment...

  4. Actually, we filmed the entire movie in Hollywood... at Marina Del Ray, Bronson Canyon and out in Soledad Canyon, near Newhall. We did the premiere in Tennesee because one of the cast members (David Browning) is from there. It was a benefit. Out in Soledad canyon we recreated the original Killer Shrews compound, with the squat ranch style building and wooden fence... and recreated the living room/bar set from the original film inside the building. Fans of the original movie will be impressed, I think. It was very much Deja Vu for James Best, care of our set design genius Billy Jett. Billy built a lab set inside the Bronson Canyon caves that was amazing. And for the fans, in addition to CGI, we also had a "live" shrew puppet for certain sequences... we couldn't make this movie without showing the shrews trying to gnaw ther way into doors and under fences. Go FIghting Salukis!

    1. If we ever find ourselves in Carbondale again at the same time (not the most likely event, I know...) I hope I can treat you to a Quatro's pizza (still there a year or so ago and still terrific) and a pitcher. You don't know how much I wish we'd been introduced back in the 80's - it would have been cool to see you guys at work on those productions and maybe to pitch in somewhere. Can't wait to see this movie - even as a screener if you're looking for pre-release reviews... Thank you again Mr. Latshaw.

  5. Yay!!! I am sooo excited for this. The original is one of my all time fave monster movies. Man, I wish Columbus IN was closer so I could get to the B Movie Celebration. I hope it gets wider distribution. I'll have to do a piece for Static Multimedia, get some press around Chicago.

    1. The original is an underrated movie - I knew you'd enjoy this update, Mel - did you see the incredibly cool offer from Mr. Latshaw?

  6. Melissa, Craig... email me privately at re: screeners. Craig - I'd love to have a slice at Quatro's... I had my very first slice of Casrbondale Pizza at Quatro's Pizza in August of 1977, right after visiting the record store just around the corner, which name escapes me. I used to love those giant quarter slices of pizza from COVONE'S.. on up the street. Great cheese.

    1. There were always great eats on The Strip - did you frequent Pagliai's (sp) or the Greek restaurant that introduced me to gyros? I have sent the email, by the way - thrilled for the opportunity!

    2. Oh my gosh!! Thank you so much. I would love, LOVE to screen this. I am sending my email ASAP.
