Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 3/3/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

I don't have the slightest inkling if Thorley Walters would, but either way, it's time to take a look at this one:

A latter day Hammer horror opus with none of the usual Hammer suspects, this is a pretty cool old school fangstravaganza. It sits ready to roll in a fine Blu-Ray edition in the video vault, and we could be watching it as quickly as...tonight, should you decide to make your way over to my place.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. whoops, another 'classic' I've never seen. My Craig-recommends-List grows :-)

    1. I'll definitely keep an eye out over at the Horror Movie Diary for a review - or we can add it to our proposed film fest - and review it in person WHILE IT'S PLAYING!

    2. Gawd, I need a fuckin' ticket to the US... anyone here with too much money? ;)

    3. I'm searching the couch cushions!

  2. Crazy, man! Looks like these vampires have pretty nice tans. The Twilight gang are pure white with blood red lips. These vampires are probably from Malibu.

    1. Perhaps they were - and it's funny you say that - because it's a British film - and they're usually pretty pale to begin with! Cheers!

  3. I love that " sawdust can soak up the torrent of blood." LMAO! You just had to laugh at the taglines they came up with for these little gems.

    I have not seen this one in a long, long time and I don't know anyone near who has it. :( Enjoy, though.

    1. Well, we can add it to the list for the Imaginarium/LGOOH Film Festival if you'd like! And they did have a way around the taglines back in the day!

  4. Lesson learned. I will never walk through a looking-glass with strange women.

    You know, the circus is sort of Something Wicked This Way Comes creepy enough on its own. Here we have a soul-sucker's Cirque du Soleil. Throw in a back-masked soundtrack and you've got a cornucopia o' childhood insomnia.

    Glad I'm all grown up. *Think happy thoughts, happy thoughts*

    1. I try to avoid those looking glass journeys myself. And yeah, the circus and carnivals definitely have an undercurrent of dark side - maybe that's some part of their appeal...

      Happy thoughts...happy thoughts...
