Monday, March 5, 2012

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #59!

Target Earth  (Allied Artists Pictures, 1954)

I've seen this one back there somewhere. I seem to remember almost nothing happening, despite that poster. Feel free to correct me in the comments if I'm remembering wrong.

Hallucination Generation  (Trans American Films, 1966)

I have a fair amount of debauched dreams. I have not, however, seen this movie.

'Gator Bait  (Sebastian International Pictures, 1974)

I got to see this fairly sleazy backwood bayoustravaganza courtesy Showtime around 1980. I remember being quite enamored of it and watching it several times across the month it aired. I'd really like to see it again. Who can help a feller out?

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Yeah Target Earth was nothing special in spite of the cool poster. Never heard of the the other two. You are a master detective when it come sto ferreting out the pop culture gems.

    1. I think you might like the revenge badassitry of Gator Bait, if the sleaze didn't put you off. I like to picture myself wearing a deerstalker cap and carrying a large magnifying glass and Meerschaum pipe looking for these posters - how did you know?

  2. Haven't seen any of these, but the poster are really cool.

    1. I've only seen two of the three myself - but I'm always glad to see you, Nebular! Thanks for coming by!

  3. agree with Neb. Three absolutely gorgeous posters. Love the one for Target Earth!

    1. I think Target Earth is the clear winner here - and I have to throw in with the lot of you on that!

  4. The Target Earth poster is wicked cool. I'm thinking the large robot needs a t-shirt with "Let's Get Out of Here!" wrapped around buddha man on the front.

    The robots remind me of The Incredibles...

    1. If only I had the Photoshop skills - that might be a great main photo for this joint for a month or two!

      I think those guys were definitely influenced by movies just like this one!
