Monday, February 27, 2012

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #58!

Mr. Ricco  (MGM, 1975)

I haven't seen this one - but I want to - so I've asked my BFF MGM/HD to run it. Cross your fingers for me!

The Crimson Canary  (Universal Studios, 1945)

I really haven't seen this one - but I'm itching to see the rhythm cults exposed!

Night Angel  (Fries Distribution, 1990)

I did see this one - at the drive-in, no less - paired with the Jean Claude Van Damme picture Death Warrant. It was one of my last times seeing movies at the drive-in, sadly.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Those are all great. I like the vintage vibe. Night Angel's has to be my favorite. ;)
    Did you watch last night's Oscars, Craig. I'm a bit disappointed by some of the choices, but overall it was a decent show. And Michelle looked so cute in that dress. Ah, and that doll face of hers... :)

    1. Thanks - I do love me some movie posters! I did watch some of the Oscars - the show was a little meh. Michelle looked gorgeous - I was very disappointed that she didn't win

  2. Ah, the completely forgotten little chiller from Dominique Othenin-Girard, director of Omen IV & Halloween V.

    I have a soft spot for Othenin-Girard's movies. They all look like made-for-TV flicks, but in some weird kinda way they are all pretty entertaining. btw, Halloween V was my very first Horror VHS :)

    1. I kind of like that mad Frenchman's movies too.

      Halloween V VHS, eh? That's very cool! My first horror VHS was Basket Case. But it was preceded by the Betamax Evil Dead in my collection! I still have both of the video vault!

  3. I haven't seen any of thess movies but the posters are awesome. Dean Martin in an action flick? Are you serious? How cool is that. I only remember him in comedies. I love the name "Crimson Canary." Is that a shout out to the "Blue Parrot" from Casablanca? The "Night Angle" poster is awesome...spider hands woman. Quite beautiful.

    1. Yeah, ol' Dino went all over the place in his movies - sometimes the boozy comedy guy, but sometimes serious - especially in Westerns...

      I don't know if CC was hoping to evoke memories of the Blue Parrot or not...

      Night Angel was a decent enough movie - the poster might outstrip it a bit...

  4. That Night Angel poster looks strange. Her wrist and hand are all off, like it's backwards ala The Exorcist. And she has no thumb. Nice rings, though. :)

    Dino rocked! I loved him no matter what role he took on. Loved his westerns especially. Big fan of Sons of Katie Elder with the awesome Earl Holliman whom I loved in Police Woman. I watched the show in reruns with my grandpa.

    1. It is a weird poster - but she's a MONSTER so her hands can be off, I guess. They are nice rings too.

      Oh man I love Dean Martin! He bounced around doing everything under the sun - movies, TV, singing - was the only member of the Rat Pack who could say no to staying out all night with Frank - and enjoyed eating a slice of bread with butter on it with his son, telling the youngster "Now that's living, pally!"

      It is awesome you got to watch cool stuff with your grandpa - and you don't get much cooler than The Sons of Katie Elder and TV's Police Woman!

  5. Noah Beery Jr. in a flick from '45. Yup. Sign me up.

    I'm looking at the Dean Martin movie and wondering how on Earth they managed to work musical numbers into this one. 'Cause Martin had to sing if he was in a film, yes? One of my all time favorite crooners, that guy.

    1. Yeah, portrait of Rockford Senior as a young man. I wish TCM would show this one!

      No musical numbers in Mr. Ricco - Dino could be persuaded to skip them for some flicks - westerns like Rio Bravo or Bandolero, or this one. Yeah, heck of a singer though!
