Monday, January 23, 2017

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #248!

Madame  (Embassy Pictures, 1963)

Shot in Italy in 1961 as Madame sans Gene, this made it over to the USA a couple of years later minus those two other words. No idea what this one is about - but according to the poster you;ll get to see Sophia Loren's legs in Technicolor and Technirama 70 - so that's reason enough to watch for me...

Women's Prison Massacre  (Motion Picture Marketing, 1985)

Shot in Italy in 1983 as Blade Violent - I violent this made it over to the USA a couple of years later with this new title. I saw it somewhere back there on VHS but I don't remember anything about it. I'd certainly watch it again in proper aspect ratio on DVD if such a thing exists.

FM  (Universal Studios, 1978)

I probably had the chance to see this on Showtime way back in the early 80's - but I don't think this would have appealed to a kid just barely into double digits at the time. Now, however, I'd enjoy the heck out of seeing it for the nostalgia alone.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Hmm why do I not remember FM? Might need to dig around for that one.

    1. It had a run. The soundtrack album was a hit - and one of my brothers had a small poster of it. I added it to my Amazon Wishlist but I'm not in a rush on it because I don't want to drop cash on it and find I don't care for it. I'm hoping it will be available to stream on Amazon or that TCM will show it some Saturday night in the wee hours.
