Saturday, August 8, 2015

Saturday Night at the Movies 8/8/15!

Who cares what picture we see?

Patrick "Mad" Magee (as they used to call him in Famous Monsters magazine) most certanly would, I think - so let's make this tonight's choice.

When you take that cast and put them in an Amicus anthology flick written by Robert Bloch and directed by Roy Ward Baker - you know you're in for an entertaining hour and a half. Sure enough, that's what you get here.

I have this one on DVD, ready to go at any given moment - even this very evening - if you wish to come join me to watch it!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Even have the Novelization of this by Robert Bloch, (it is a Library converted paperback hard-cover )
    ... enjoyable little film...
    Reminded us of the Old Milton Subotski "anthology" films....

    1. I'd love to have that novelization! I'm pleased to hear you have one!

  2. Was sad to hear of his passing (one night a week on PBS were the old episodes of "The Avengers".... )
    and we can never forget him as ("voice" of) The "Imperious Leader"...
    That old Quote "The Final annihilation of the Life-Form known as Man.....Let the Attack begin...."

    1. Well, you havve done something I always used to do back in the day - mixed up Patrick Magee and Patrick Macnee - but I'm always up for some love for the late great Mr. Macnee - a fine actor and one of the greatest voices in the history of voices!

    2. Very true good Sir.... and thank you for joining our little Crypt on this Great Day....
      ... we heard a audio of him reading (some "short story") in my youth... never will forget his voice, nor the lovely Miss Peel....

  3. This was okay; a little dated with the scares but the cheese made it enjoyable! Love the killer toy segment!

    1. That one was a good performance by the late Herbert Lom...

  4. Terrific anthology I haven't seen in a very long time.
