Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday Night at the Movies 5/23/15!

Who cares what picture we see?

Sorrells Pickard surely must. While I make sure, we'll make this tonight's pick...

I somehow missed this one back in the day - finally getting to it just a few years ago. I didn't know what I'd been missing! What a fun little flick, a gem among the 80's beach movies. Three middle aged guys rent a beach house and hire Grant Cramer to teach them how to push up on the young lovelies spending the summer near the waves.

Silly humor and lots of nudity ensues. What more could anyone ask?

Well, okay - then how about this - Hardbodies also features none other than Kane Hodder as a beach nerd who periodically hassles our heroes!

That's Kane Hodder on the left. Yes, I'm serious.

You know, I have to be honest - although I didn't initially remember - I actually already featured this movie as a SNATM subject three years ago - but I didn't realize that was Kane Hodder then, so to justify featuring this movie again, I'll go right ahead and make this a...

Saturday Night at the Movies Double Feature!

Let's have a moment of intermission...

And then we'll jump right in to the second Hardbodies - an in-name-only sequel that can only boast the same director returning.

I'm not sure they could have done much to continue the "story" with the same characters, so going with a new bunch and changing locations was probably a good idea. It's more beach babes on display, and once again, a pretty painless way to pass an evening.

Hardbodies and Hardbodies 2 are both on DVD in the video vault, and I could get them spinning anytime - even tonight - if you'd like to come check them out with me!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Hardbody, Cause I Am Outta Here!

1 comment:

  1. I remember picking up Hardbodies at the video store. Never thought the clerk would let me do it but she did not even care. I loved this movie, and I think it holds up today. Not sure, I have ever seen the second one might have to look into that. Have you ever checked out Spring Break? It is from the same time frame not as fun as this one but still a lost gem.
