Monday, May 11, 2015

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #211!

Theme Week!

3 Posters, 1 Movie!

The Beast of Hollow Mountain  (United Artists, 1956)

Not one of my favorite dinosaur movies - but three pretty cool posters for it - with the third being my pick due to the split background color scheme.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Is this a dragon western?? The poster is pretty cool might have to look into this craziness!

    1. A dinosaur Western, yes. It's not that great - the dinosaur is unseen for the first hour, then pops up for the last twenty minutes. The stop motion is not as good as O'Brien's or Harryhausen's, but it is a stop motion dinosaur movie is always worth a look at least.

  2. Stopping by for the A-Z Challenge Road Trip. He looks a little bit like Godzilla. I will have to keep an eye out for this movie. Perhaps it will end up on Netflix some day.

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

    1. Thanks for coming by! I guess he does look a little like ol' Zilly...

  3. I used to love this one as a kid - I was dinosaur obsessed, so I was willing to even sit through this one- but haven't seen it since. I must check it out, though I'll definitely take your word on it for not being great.

    1. It's the replacement animation, plus the action being pretty much held off for an hour. Still, any stop motion dinosaur movie is worth a look.
