Monday, April 27, 2015

A-Z Challenge 2015: W is for William Shatner!

I first had some awareness of the force of nature known as William Shatner half watching some Star Trek reruns after school as a youngster. But it was seeing Star Trek-The Motion Picture on the Big Screen that really gave me my first good experience watching him onscreen. 

Captain James T. Kirk - TV - 1960's

I was never a big TJ Hooker or Rescue 911 fan at the time – but I saw every Star Trek movie as they came out and I eventually rented about 2/3 of the original 79 episodes of Classic Star Trek on VHS over the years.  I also more recently watched his entire run on TV's Boston Legal - which netted Bill more than one Emmy award. 

Captain James T. Kirk - Movies - 1980's

I enjoyed his performances, but I knew he was kinda big and over the top even as a young man – and I was as puzzled as the rest of the world at oddities like his performance of Elton John’s “Rocket Man” on a science fiction awards presentation.

I wasn’t thrilled when he agreed to be a part of killing Captain Kirk off in the seventh Star Trek movie – the one introducing the Next Generation cast to the Big Screen – especially after seeing what a lackluster death scene it was. (And weirdly – that death scene was a reshoot – the original death had been even worse.)

T.J. Hooker

William Shatner is also listed as the author of several books – I say it that way because it is widely believed he has written none of them – letting others ghost write them, sometimes credited as co-writer, sometimes not. I have no idea what he contributed to the authorship of the books in question – but I have enjoyed several of them.

William Shatner - Horseman

The thing that I really like about William Shatner – here’s a guy who seemed to take himself deathly seriously back in the day – then – one day – in the last few years – much like Leslie Neilsen – Shatner discovered the joys of taking the piss out of himself – and was ready willing and able to poke fun at his image and his style anywhere and anytime. Movies like Free Enterprise and Showtime showcase this new side of Shatner well – but there are other examples as well. 

William Shatner - Priceline Negotiator from their long running series of commercials

These days I watch for anything new he’s up to – and that’s a busy watch because William Shatner is endlessly fascinated with our world and technology and is constantly trying new things and ventures. I was also thrilled to briefly meet the man and get a picture with him at a convention appearance – on his 83rd birthday.

Check out some William Shatner when you can – because he’s the Shat!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I'm a big fam. How very cool to have your photo with him! I loved him in all Star Trek both TV and film. You didn't mention his stint in Boston Legal with costar James Spader. That was a great show. Shatner stole every scene.

    1. That was an important role for William Shatner - with Star Trek in-jokes and two or three Emmy awards - so I've updated the post accordingly - thanks Luana!

  2. Fantastic, am a big fan of the guy. I was only recently reading what you mentioned above - Shatner taking himself seriously in his earlier days - and it seemed a total contrast with the guy he is now. Glad he was able to relax about his image a bit.

    I'm currently enjoying him in the original series of ST, though I gotta admit, I'm not sure I've seen him in anything non Star Trek related (before the last ten years, anyway). I must have a look at some other work he has done.

    1. Yeah, I used to enjoy his work onscreen, but kind of wince at him in interviews and such - because he did take himself so seriously. Then he got older and relaxed - and now he's one of my very favorite actors. Check out something else with him - maybe it will lead to another cool post over at the Attic...

  3. It's funny or maybe pathetic, but I only recognize a few of the stars on your list... Shatner, Olivia Newton John and Judi Dench. Sigh. I have watched a lot of Star Trek in my life. There was a great talk on NPR once when Shatner was talking about how he was tired of always being associated w/ Capt. Kirk and he said that Leonard Nimoy (or maybe it was Patrick Ball) gave him a way of looking at the character without feeling so penned in to that role, and he was able to poke fun at himself more. Once or twice he's done a show on Maui, at the Hard Rock Cafe in Lahaina
    Maui Jungalow

    1. That's why I chose the subjects I did - so people with an interest in pop culture can be exposed to actors, filmmakers, and musicians they may not otherwise know. I hope you become a fan of at least one of the other 23 people you didn't formerly know - and again, thanks for coming by and commenting!

  4. Gotta love The Shat! This guy is great. Everything he does is brilliance.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Vampires

    1. I tend to agree with you - thanks for coming by and commenting!

  5. I'm a big Trek fan and I loved him as James T. Kirk, but he was absolutely hilarious in Boston Legal.

    1. I agree with you! Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  6. From what I have seem from him I think he is hilarious. I learned a lot from your post about his other work. I look forward to reading your other posts.

    AtoZchallenge Blogger

    1. Thank you very much! If you'd like to see more of my posts, may I recommend following?
