Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A-Z Challenge 2015: L is for Lance Henriksen!

Lance Henriksen is one of my very favorite actors. I first took notice of him seeing The Terminator in the theater, where he had fun chemistry with Paul Winfield as the cops on the case.

 I know I saw him in other movies after that - but my next clear memory of him was when he played the bad guy in the Brian Bosworth vehicle Stone Cold. I loved hearing that he wrapped that movie - playing a long haired modern day biker - on Friday and then flew to Italy over the weekend to start playing the bald 15th century Inquisitor Torquemada for director Stuart Gordon on Monday. Now that's acting.

Lance Henriksen is the kind of actor who literally makes everything he's in better - and he's made otherwise bad movies watchable with his presence. He's been going strong for more than thirty years - with over 200 credits on the IMDB - check out some Lance Henriksen when you get the chance!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. first film i had seen was Omen, then he was in everything cool from that point on... he is one of my favorite actors and should be respected by all. thank you!!

    1. Now that you say that - I would have most likely first seen him in Omen II on Showtime - but I really took notice of him first in The Terminator. Thank YOU.

  2. Craig, I enjoy hearing about these amazing actors that I know but I don't know, if you know what I mean. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hello, stopping in from A to Z and thanks for your continued participation!

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Cohost
    L is for Lucid Dreaming

    1. Thanks for checking in and making sure I'm in compliance.

  4. Great actor. Thanks for spotlighting him.
    Coming over from A-Z

    1. Great actor indeed. Thanks for checking out my spotlight on him.

  5. The first movie I ever saw Lance Henriksen appear in, was Near Dark. It was the first film that I saw about modern day vampires (who didn't sparkle in the sun) and I absolutely fell in love with him.
    One of our most under-rated actors in my opinion.

    Visiting from the A-Z Challenge.

    1. I totally agree - and a great first film to discover him in! Thank you for coming by and commenting!

  6. The guy is incredible, one of the most valuable actors working in the 'B' movie genre, in terms of talent. I'm always amazed he never broke out into more mainstream work. I too first saw him in The Terminator... or was it perhaps, Aliens.. I'm not sure which I saw first. But yes, what an absolutely impressive CV; Pumpkinhead, Near Dark, The Pit and the Pendulum, Hard Target... so many genre classics! Millenium, the show, was also fantastic.

    1. Millenium was a great show - and yes, I'm also surprised Lance Henriksen wasn't in more blockbuster A list movies too.

  7. I know I've seen him in a bunch of movies but when I see him, Hard Target always comes to mind. I'm sure it's not one of his best but that's where my mind goes.
