Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A-Z Challenge 2015: A is for Ace Mask!

Here we go with another 26 entry postathon - every day in April except for Sundays - the fifth A-Z Blogging Challenge for this blog!

I'm going back to 2013's theme again this year - an alphabetical listing of 26 interesting people A-Z from pop culture.

And we'll kick the whole thing off by revealing...

A is for Ace Mask!

I first took notice of Ace Mask when I watched Jim Wynorski's wonderful 1988 remake of Not of This Earth. He is very funny in the movie as Dr. Rochelle.

As Dr. Rochelle in Not of This Earth (1988).

I then started to see him in other movies - usually directed by Jim Wynorski. Across 20 years - 1986-2006 - Ace Mask racked up 26 credits - initially in genre pictures like Return of Swamp Thing and Transylvania Twist, and eventually - under the name Wesley Mask - as a guest star on several TV series like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Bold and the Beautiful.

I asked Jim Wynorski about working with him - here's what he had to say..,

"I loved working with Ace Mask on my early pictures. Whether he co-starred or was just featured, I could always count on Ace for a knockout performance."

I don't know much else about him - but I've always enjoyed his work and I hope to see him in a new project one of these days.

Until tomorrow - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Been awhile since I had seen, "not of this earth"... thank you for the knowledge on Ace!

    Welcome in the "A"... as a host I am stopping by to say thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jeremy! Always good to see you!

  2. Ace Mask....I am not familiar with this guy but now my curiosity is tweaked. Looking forward to your posts this month, Craig!

    1. Thank you Luana! I will be dropping by Skating Buffalo too! I know you're going to post some great stuff!

  3. I'm delighted to read the salute to Ace Mask. I remember him well from Jim Wynorski's Transylvania Twist. It was fun sitting in Concorde's tiny screening room and watching dailies in which Ace tried out a different bit of comic business in every take. He definitely wasn't a boring performer.

    1. Thanks for coming by and commenting, Ms. G! I like that you got to see Mr. Mask performing in the early stages of the filmmaking process!

  4. As is often the case, you've introduced me to someone new. Now I'll have to pop over to YouTube and see if I can find a performance. I'm curious about the voice that goes with the name. And there's something about his eyes...for some reason I see Dabney Coleman when I look at him...

    1. Joe! Always a delight to see you! I bet you can find some bits on YouTube! I can see the Dabney Coleman - but the voice is completely different!

  5. I wasn't aware of the existence of Ace Mask, but then again, I'm not nearly as familiar with the films he is in. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for him when digging through the Jim Wynorski back catalogue!

    1. Yes, do - you'll enjoy his wry presence every time you see him.
