Monday, April 6, 2015

A-Z Challenge 2015: E is for E.G. Daily!

As we hit the fifth post in this A-Z Challenge, I am E-lated to say that -

E is for E.G. Daily!

I think I first encountered Elizabeth "E.G." Daily in her musical appearance in Better Off Dead. I was captivated by her talent, her pixie like beauty, and her sheer 80's-ness.

Later, I caught up with Pee Wee's Big Adventure on VHS and was delighted by her performance as Dottie.

She got started in show business as a dancer in the obscure 1978 movie Disco Fever - then did a guest spot on Laverne and Shirley. More television and movies followed, with interesting genre flicks like Street Music, Wacko, One Dark Night, Valley Girl, Streets of Fire, Bad Dreams, and No Small Affair on her resume. She continued working before the cameras into the 90's - then discovered a new facet to her career as a voiceover artist on children's cartoons. Most famously, she was the voice of Tommy Pickles on Rugrats, which had a very healthy run on Nickelodeon throughout the 90's.

Since getting the voice work going - Elizabeth hasn't been in front of the cameras much - or at all. But we still have her 80's movies and shows to enjoy - and it's always fun to see her pop up! Check out some E.G. Daily next chance you get!

Until next post - tomorrow! - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Oh, my... I have always had a crush on her, since I think Streets of Fire. She than began showing up in more 80s films, then into my heart!

  2. Oh yeah, she's one of those girls I always liked, but never noticed. She was wonderful in Pee Wee.

  3. I didn't know much about her. Now I do!

  4. Great post! I only remember seeing her in Pee Wee's Big Adventure. Loved her in that film. She was the perfect love interest for Pee Wee. And yes, she totally has that 80s vibe!

  5. Love E.G.Daily! I would have sworn my first encounter with her was via Rugrats. But nope. You introduced me to her in Better Off Dead!

    I remember I was surprised to see her turn up in an episode of Friends. I didn't know her face, but her voice was a giveaway. Tommy Pickles was a girl--and cute!

    Great post!

    1. Thank you sir! I'm always pleased when I hear that I introduced you to something you liked!

  6. Big fan of E.G; myself and my wife had a great laugh recently when we re-watched Valley Girl - we forgot all about her nude scenes in it, and we got a kick out of seeing the voice of so many kids cartoons getting naked. She was great in the film, though, and the few other performances she put in back in those days were definitely noteworthy. I often forget about her 'Better Off Dead' cameo, a great musical number in one of my favourite films from the decade.

    1. I'd forgotten those nude scenes! You just put a rewatch of Valley Girl on my list! She's just adorable in everything she appears in that I've seen - and actually, I have seen most of her onscreen filmography.
