Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Celebrity Endorsement: Sid Haig!

Sid Haig has been around forever. He got started acting in the 60's - with movies like Spider Baby, and appearances on TV shows like Batman and Mission: Impossible.

He menaced James Bond in Diamonds Are Forever.

He was the villain on Saturday morning's Jason of Star Command in the 70's.

And he's still going strong!

He also knows good pop culture blogging when he sees it - and as you might expect if you know anything about him - he gets a little salty in his affection - so this clip is NSFW!

Thanks, Mr. Haig! Hey! Get out of there, Bill Moseley!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. A photobomb by Moseley while you're sitting next to Sid Haig? PRICELESS.

    1. Exactly how I described it when I saw it. Best of all - no one let it slip while it was happening and I had no idea it had happened until I was reviewing the pictures later. AWESOME.

  2. Great post Craig ! Sid is still one of the nicest guys you'll ever want to meet. Looking forward to seeing him again next month.

  3. Love the pictures, Craig, and I'm a huge fan of Haig. He was excellent in the Jack Hill exploitation films, and the Rob Zombie 1000 Corpses/Devil's Rejects Double bill. I think he's sadly underused in most genre films, though; his name and face gets stuck on a lot of dreck, and they never seem to know what to do with him. Hopefully he gets a few more decent roles in the near future.

    1. I have to agree that most recent films don't give him a lot to do - but at the same time even having him walk through does boost the movie - at the very least for the time he's onscreen. He's a lot of fun at conventions - and he's seemingly everywhere you go - at breakfast he'll be at the next table - berating Ken Foree about something - or walking the convention hallways - or at his table, making goo goo eyes at the pretty young girls who come to see him.
