Saturday, January 3, 2015

Saturday Night at the Movies 1/3/15!

Who cares what picture we see?

Lynn Lowry would - for sure. So let's make this the first pick for 2015...

Five years after Night of the Living Dead - George A. Romero fully returned to the horror genre for this thriller. Something is causing the residents of a small town to go mad and kill. The army moves in, and everyone has a bad day.

It's not as good as Night of the Living Dead - but it's still a solid low budget flick and well worth checking out. They also did a remake in 2010, I believe - and it's okay. The original resides in the video vault on a Blu-Ray disc - and we could be getting crazy with it anytime - even this very evening - if you wanted to brave the dangers of the crazies in the dark and come see it with me!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I haven't watched this one yet but I liked the remake. I plan on doing a huge Romero marathon soon so I'll be sure to check this out. Nice review

    1. Thanks! I was checking out your cool blog - I'd love to follow it but couldn't find the button - is there one, or can you add one?

    2. I just added it 2 days ago. I assumed it was automatically put on the homepage. Anyway, all sorted now :)

  2. Love this one, Craig. I honestly think it's hugely underrated - probably the best film to show the breakdown of society on such a restricted budget, which was only bested by the first half of Dawn of the Dead.

    Never seen the remake, though I'm sure I'll get to it at some point. How's the transfer of the original on Blu?

    1. I agree with you on the movie - as for the transfer - haven't actually put it in the machine yet!

  3. I actually prefer the remake over this. The original is too dull and tedious, the remake entertained me a lot more.

    1. The remake is good - but I like the original better. Still, great to see you stop by, MM!
