Monday, January 12, 2015

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #198!

The Playmates  (Phantasy Films, 1973)

I don't feature much X rated stuff around the blog - but this is an awesome poster and I'm just boggling at the thought of 3-D porn...

The Bride and the Beast  (Allied Artists Pictures, 1958)

I saw this on the late show as a kid - but back then I didn't know who screenwriter Edward D. Wood Jr. was - now that I do I want to see this again!

The Invisible Woman  (Universal Studios, 1940)
When it was time for another Invisible movie - Universal swapped genders and tone - from the male and horror drama to the female and comedy. It's a nice change of pace for the unofficial series and well worth a watch.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. 3D porn certainly does sound appealling, surprised I haven't come across any over the years (pun sadly intended!) I do like the 'SextravaganzA' billing, though!

    Afraid to say I've seen none of these, but as always, I love the artwork!

    1. Yeah, I hope someone eventually puts some of the out of left field 70's 3-D stuff out on Blu-Ray - like this movie and Blazing Stewardesses....

  2. More awesome posters!

    I've never heard of 3D porn. There's probably a reason why it never took off, but I am intrigued.
