Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Celebrity Endorsement: Ken Foree!

I first enccountered Ken Foree - on BETA - watching Dawn of the Dead in the early 80's...

I've since seen him in scads of other movies and TV shows, and it's always cool when he shows up...

He usually plays men of few words - and he applies that same principle in endorsing pop culture blogs...

Thanks, Mr. Foree!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Congrats! He looks different with the beard.

    1. If by different you mean large and imposing - then yes. ;)

  2. Always a big fan of Foree! He generally livens up even a poor film, would love to see him in some bigger productions... Great to see him here anyway!

    1. I agree - definitely one of those actors who can make a bad movie better. I was pleased he consented to the endorsement.
