Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Celebrity Endorsement: Ted White!

He's one of my very favorite Jasons from the Friday the 13th series -

He's also a very nice man who's had a helluva career - and even in his late 80's he still walks tall with a twinkle in his eye - and he knows good blogging when he sees it...

I don't think he was kidding, Kane Hodder! Ha! Thanks, Mr. White!

Until next post - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Congrats Craig and he looks like he's still tough enough to swing a machete.

    1. I would run from him in those circumstances immediately!

  2. "and even in his late 80's he still walks tall with a twinkle in his eye" I like that :)

  3. Yep, he's definitely F13th4's Jason! Even got the nose!

  4. This is awesome! Seems like a cool cat, and still up for fun, despite his age!
