Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Video Vault of Mora Tau 7/2/14!

Time for some video coolness!

Here's a little behind the scenes piece on Logan's Run - one of the last major studio films to be released before Star Wars came out and changed the world the next year.

I like Logan's Run - so this is a cool clip for sure. But check out the guy who comes in right at the end modeling a slightly different Sandman uniform than what ended up in the movie.


Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Sandman Uniform, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Yes! Logan's Run is awesome! The story is mind blowing - a society where everyone is under 30. I wonder what that would be like today? I shudder to think. Very cool to see behind the scenes footage. Not something that you can find easily in older films.

    1. It's true - the EPK was not a given in movies made before the 90's.

  2. I enjoy this film, for it's I think the first sci-fi film I had seen... it will always be ahead of it's time...

    1. I agree - and it was an early view for me too - on CBS before the TV series version started.

  3. The costume design for this film is so innovative! A great film iindeed.

    1. Yes they are - esepcially when they're made extra tall to fit that guy who comes in right at the end of the clip...
