Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday Night at the Movies 7/12/14!

Who cares what picture we see?

Jerry Rushing most certainly would - so this is tonight's pick....

Yeah, it's a picture of someone's poster - but it's the biggest and best shot of the damn thing on the

I somehow managed to see at least one of North Carolina filmmaking legend Earl Owensby's movies on VHS when I still lived north of the Mason-Dixon Line - but it was when I moved to his home state that I really delved in to his wild film ouevre - which ran from 1974 through the 1980's.

During the second run of 3-D around 1983 producer Earl got ahold of a 3-D camera system and made a handful of genre pics that were meant to be screened with the third dimension added.

Sadly, my VHS copy of this movie does not feature 3-D - but we could still be watching Sheriff Earl (producer Earl's favorite leading man) battle a dozen genetically engineered canine killing machines anytime - even tonight - if you're dogged enough to make it over to my place.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With Anything In 3-D, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Fantastic poster, they sadly do not make em like that anymore. I haven't seen or heard of this one, it looks great! As you can tell, I'm easily sold.

    1. I wish I could tell you it's easy to find - I'm still working on getting the DVD version. But, I think there might be a complete version on YouTube...

  2. I'll bet they thought this would be Cujo times 100.

    1. Sadly, they got Cujo times about .5 - but what can you do?

  3. "The breed dates back to the time of Christ." LOL! Lovin the poster, and wanna watch the movie!

    1. You would probably have to go the YouTube route as well. Let me know if you actually watch it Luana!

  4. pffft, oh God. 80s 3D. If this is going to be anything like Friday the 13th 3D then I better brace myself for literal IN YOUR FACE action...of random objects! (and possible dog maulings)
