Thursday, July 17, 2014

Celebrity Endorsement: Bill Moseley!

I first encountered Bill Moseley in a darkened movie theater when he played THIS guy:

I thought he was a marvelous addition to the Sawyer family in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 - and I've enjoyed his work in scads of movies since then.

Thankfully, in addition to being a fine actor - Bill Moseley also knows good blogging when he sees it:




Thanks a lot, Mr. Moseley!
Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. It's good to see this living legend up and still doing what he does best; creeping, scaring and/or just being awesome!

  2. he is one of the coolest cats out there... nice plug for you! i got to talk with him a year back, he is crazy.

    1. That's a fun interview Jeremy! Bill M is da bomb!

  3. What a legend, great that you got to meet him! I was going through his resume on IMDB the other day, and was surprised to see how long it took for him to start getting solid work. He really was excellent in TCM 2, and he really does brighten up most films he appears in. Great photo!

    1. Thanks, John! He was terrific - wish you could see what happened when I was getting my photo taken with Sid Haig at the next table...

    2. Oh man, Sid Haig - another walking legend. Loved him in all the Jack Hill exploitation films, right up to his modern stuff. Rob Zombie knew what he was doing when he was assembling his cast for House of 1000 Corpses...

  4. Even though he made a lotta shit over the last years, he still rocks like hell.

    1. He does indeed - just a very real guy who happens to be very good at playing bad and/or crazy characters.

  5. Oh man, I still regret not meeting him the last TWO times I've had the chance! Hopefully third time will be the charm!

    1. You should make him the top of your list - he's amazing.
