Monday, June 9, 2014

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #167!

And awaaaaaayyyy we go!

Mirrors  (20th Century Fox, 2008)

I haven't seen this one, but in looking up the particulars on it - it seems to have some good reviews...maybe I'll check it out...

Hollywood Burlesque  (Continental Pictures, 1949)

 I haven't seen this one - but it's apparently a pretty tame two-camera capture of an old burlesque show - singing, comedy bits, and of course girls dancing - with a little nudity thrown in for extra spice.

The Ghastly Ones  (J.E.R. Pictures, 1968)

I quite like this video poster for director Andy Milligan's gore epic - much more than I will the movie when I finally see it, I'm sure.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. The only one I've seen here was mirrors - I didn't think much of it. The gory deaths are great though, but it creates a tonally confusing film, as the ghost aspect isn't as terrifying as the gore is awesome.

    Can't believe I still haven't seen The Ghastly Ones! I'm expecting very little for when I get to it, though...

    1. Well, gory deaths is another vote in its favor...hmmm...

      Keep those expectations dialed WAAAAYYYY down for any Andy Milligan movie.

  2. The head in the box creeps me out Craig. Actually it's more effective than the Mirrors one. I'm wishing you an excellent day Man.

    1. I almost wondered if I was pushing the hard PG-13 I try to keep to with this blog - but it's so obviously an actress with her head through the table (a much more effective and preferred effect to anything Milligan could have achieved in a fake head) that I went ahead with it. I hope your day was wonderful too!

  3. Most people I know hate Mirrors but for some reason I love it! The Ghastly Ones looks AMAZING... will definitely be looking that one up.

    1. Another vote to see Mirrors...

      Michele - if you've never seen an Andy Milligan movie - prepare yourself. He makes Herschell Gordon Lewis and Troma look like mainstream A movies!

  4. Mirrors was different and not so different in the spectrum of the early 2000s horror. I liked some elements and was bored with others. The gore was by the ton and it did have some highly creepy moments. Worth a watch, imo.

    1. Another vote to see Mirrors...that's it! I'm in! I'll probably wait to watch it during this year's October All-Horror-All-Month fest. Thanks for voting!

  5. The Ghastly Ones is a great example of Andy Milligan's twisted little world - and everyone should watch at least one of Andy's epics during their lifetime.

    1. I agree that everyone should watch at least one. I also agree with Michael Weldon in The Psychotronic Movie Guide: "If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you."

  6. the ghastly ones. Is this the movie where folks are killed by levitating house objects? The only Miligan film I saw was that one slasher spoof whose title I can't remember now.

  7. also, Mirrors is okay. A it's a sorta-remake of a Korean horror of the same game but the gory deaths in this one is likable enough to earn at least a viewing.
