Thursday, May 1, 2014


I am so thrilled to announce that Let's Get Out of Here! has been discovered by ONE HUNDRED FIFTY awesomely cool people who went on to make my day by hitting the "Follow this blog" button.

This momentous event occurred during the April 2014 A-Z Blogging Challenge - and I held off making the announcement - and wouldn't you know it - three more amazing human beings signed on as followers, so LGOOH now officially has 153 followers! My most sincere thanks to all of the People of Taste and Distinction - you all rock and you're all my heroes!

To give this post a bit of heft let's throw in two video clips - a couple of  songs to celebrate this happy event!

I don't want to surprise anyone - but they were both used in movies...

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Congrats - that's really cool !


  2. Well done! I know I'm late to the party here, but you have created a great space here. Really enjoying it. Keep up the good work!

    1. I truly appreciate the kind words - and let me plug your cool cool blog The Nostalgia Attic - anyone interested can find a link by clicking on your name - which will transport them to your profile.

  3. Congrats Man! 153 cool people who recognize the hilarity of your retro blog.

    1. I never really thought of it as retro - but now that you mention it...thanks, Maurice! I'll also point out that your fun blog The Geek Twins can be accessed through your profile...
