Monday, April 14, 2014

A-Z Challenge 2014: L is for The Last Starfighter!

I purchased the novelization of this movie long before I saw it - in fact, I missed it at the theater for whatever reason and only caught up with it on home video. I really don't know why that was, because I'd read the book and thought the story - boy plays video game, little knowing it's really an audition for a real space war - was wonderful.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie too - Lance Guest and Catherine Mary Stewart are the youngins; Dan O'Herlihy and Robert Preston are the old pros, and it's a terrific little flick. There are some really cool behind the scenes factoids too: director Nick Castle played Michael Myers (The Shape) in Halloween (1978); and this movie is the first to do all of its space visual effects with computer animation! (Yes, they're slightly primitive - but better than you'd expect from thirty years ago!)

Yes, this is the preview, or teaser, poster - but I actually like it better than the release poster - plus, this was what the cover to the novelization looked like - and it was truly eyecatching.

Until next post-er, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I love this movie and it still holds up. I think it is a perfect wish fulfillment for those times. All the hours in the arcade pays off. Frankly that poster is better than the final one.

    1. Thanks for agreeing with my poster choice! I'm also pleased you like this movie too!

  2. I haven't watched this movie in some time, but it was a staple in our household growing up! :)

    The Immarcescible Word

  3. I think I've seen this one when I was a kid. As far as I remember, I liked it but I didn't fully understand it :)

    1. I wonder what grown up Maynard would have to say about it?
