Monday, April 7, 2014

A-Z Challenge 2014: F is for Fade to Black!


This movie jumped onto the horror bandwagon that had resulted with the incredible success of  John Carpenter's Halloween in 1978. I first saw it when it premiered on Showtime some months later.

I instantly felt a kinship to the lead character, Eric Binford - played by Dennis Christopher. He's a lonely film buff whose life unravels. Eventually he snaps and starts bumping people off while dressed as movie characters. (The kinship ends at the murders, by the way)

It's not a perfect movie by any means - Tim Thomerson's cop character seems to be in another movie entirely for the most part - but I still kind of love this movie - and definitely recommend it for movie buffs and horror fans. If nothing else - you can see Mickey Rourke in a very early role - as one of Eric Binford's doomed tormentors.

Until next post - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I have never seen this one, though I may have heard of it and thought nothing of the title(failing to put it into context). It looks freaky-interesting, though!

    The Immarcescible Word

    1. It's not a mainstream movie - it's off left of center - but I still like it - if you see it please come back and comment your thoughts here.

  2. Well the concept is a good one. Killing people as classic villains, although I think it would be stronger if he killed people like the characters. Mummy by mummification. Frankenstein monster by fire. Black Lagoon Creature be drowning and so on. Time for a remake!

    1. Get to writing, Maurice! You have some interesting ideas here which already lift your remake higher than most!

  3. Me too! I wish I had a bag of Monster Bites cookies and a YooHoo right now!

  4. Oh my goodness, I've seen that one loooong ago. Completely forgot about it. Neet to do a rewatch. I remember I was pretty fascinated by it as a kid, even though I didn't fully understand the whole thing.

  5. a pretty fair film but I didn't feel for Eric that well. I find him kinda rude, even for a film buff of our standard. Still, seeing some guy frightened to death by a mummy or tommygunned in public can't be all that bad, right?
